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Tea for Weight Loss

Many Americans are putting down the double-espresso mocha latte and exploring the extraordinary world of tea. Asian cultures realized its value centuries ago, and U.S. consumers are now finally catching on. Tea is being rediscovered as the miracle drink that others have revered for years. As the healthiest beverage in the world after water, tea …

Hospitals Increase CAM Services

The American Hospital Association conducted a survey in 2006 that revealed that more than one out of every four hospitals in the U.S. now offer some “alternative†therapies, including acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and massage therapy, among other types of non-Western treatment. According to the survey, which is conducted every year by the AHA, …

San Diego Fires

As wild fires ravaged San Diego, more than 500,000 residents were forced to evacuate their homes, and seek shelter among the several sites open countywide.  The largest of these refugee centers was Qualcomm Stadium where thousands went to wait for the fires to be controlled. Evacuees at Qualcomm found healing for all types of ailments …

Alternative Medicine Receives Media Attention

The well-known news network, CNN (Cable News Network), has recently been crediting Oriental medicine with success in pain relief. Traditional Chinese medicine has become increasingly accepted as a common course of treatment in the United States, and this integration is apparent in the increase of articles on the topic in major news networks, CNN being …

Visit your Local Private Practice to Receive Life-changing Care

Traditional Chinese medicine has become increasingly popular in America. Where it may have once been viewed as a trend, or a high class, little-known treatment, it is now wide-spread and available to the masses. From the cities to suburbia, treatments like acupuncture, herbal therapy, yoga, qi gong, and tai ji are popular, accessible and accepted …

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychiatric Disorders

While mental health is often considered a separate issue from one’s physical well-being, the two have always been linked in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. In TCM, emotions and thoughts are considered to have a direct impact on the physical health of a person, and furthermore, mental and physical health are equally valued.  Because …

Oriental Medicine Lays Insomnia to Rest

Insomnia is more than tossing and turning. It’s more serious than an inability to fall asleep early and has more debilitating effects than are commonly recognized. An estimated 32 million people – about one in eight – suffer from insomnia in the U.S.  Oriental medicine, with its focus on healing whole syndromes rather than individual …

Using Herbs to Treat Cancer: Traditional Medicine in a Modern World

The simple fact that plants are a major source of many drugs is not a surprise to most. Penicillin comes from mold, coumadin from sweet clover and aspirin from the bark of the white willow. Many of the most effective cancer drugs are also plant derived such as Vincristine (from periwinkle), Etoposide (from mayapple) and …