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The Gokhale Method® as a Supplement for Treatment of Qi Deficiency

One of the four categories of examination in Chinese medicine is the “looking diagnosisâ€. Observing the patient’s skin tone, the Shen in the eyes, and checking the tongue are all elements of creating a clear, effective diagnosis. Observing posture can add a layer to the examination that is insightful, especially given the frequent occurrence of postural distortion in modern times. We can start looking at our patients as soon as we greet them in the waiting room. How do they sit, stand, and walk? What kind of posture do they have? Instinctively, many of us sense that a slouching or hunching patient has a qi deficiency.

The Misdiagnosis Of Tendonitis

Tendonitis is the single most diagnosed chronic connective tissue disease in Western medicine. It affects every major joint within the body and can make the most well conditioned athlete limp to the sidelines, as the pain can be overwhelming. Whether it afflicts a professional golfer or weekend tennis player, tendon pain is a huge problem affecting all sports. In our everyday lives, tendon pain also creates major problems. According to statistics of Workers Compensation injuries in California, repetitive motion disease (aka tendonitis) is the leading diagnosis for claims and disability in the state.

Holistic Ideas to Prevent and Treat Carpal Tunnel

Most people’s jobs involve repetitive movements of the hands and wrists, like typing for long hours at a time. Whether you’re far into your career or just getting started, there are some actions you can take to guard against the effects of carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by consistent strain or pressure on …

Don’t Let Headaches Interfere with Your Life: Chinese Medicine Can Help

Did you know that more people complain about headaches than any other type of ailment?  There are approximately 45 million Americans suffering from chronic headaches each year, or about one in every six people, according to IHateHeadaches.org, and some of your choice painkillers may actually be triggering MORE headaches (these are known as “rebound headachesâ€, …

The Benefits of Massage for Lower Back and Neck Pain

Lower back pain and neck pain can have many potential causes. Pain in these areas can be anything from an occasional ache to a debilitating and constant discomfort that affects a person’s work and home life. These two areas are prone to tension accumulation due to how a person walks, sits, and even sleeps. Acute …

The Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Migraine Prevention and Relief

Acupuncture practitioners around the globe can tell you that migraine sufferers seek help from acupuncture clinics on a daily basis. Many find that this method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers symptom relief unparalleled by oral medications. This ancient therapy is becoming more widespread and increasingly introduced into mainstream Western healthcare in the 21st century …

Massage for Sciatica: Pain Relief and Prevention

Sciatica can be excruciatingly painful. The word ‘sciatica’ is sometimes used to describe any pain in the lower back, but the term specifically refers to pain along the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve starts from the lower back (the lumbar spine) and runs down the buttocks and the backs …

TCM for Headaches & Migraines

Migraine sufferers seek help from acupuncture clinics on a daily basis.  Many find that this method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers symptom relief unparalleled by oral medications.  This ancient therapy is becoming more widespread in the 21st century and can replace expensive arsenals of medications including prophylactics, tricyclic agents, muscle relaxants, beta-blockers, and painful …