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Celebrating Heart Month with Holistic Wellness Tips

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for one in every four deaths? This February 2016, in conjunction with Heart Month, let’s celebrate our hearts by taking a quick look at some of our favorite, most enjoyable and delicious, holistic heart health solutions. 1. Heart …

Can Acupuncture Really Benefit Stroke Recovery?

The World Health Organization estimates that 15 million individuals suffer from stroke annually worldwide, most of whom live in developed countries, where hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cardiac diseases are prevalent. Stroke is the third leading cause of fatality and ranks highest as a cause of disability.1 Global Stroke Statistics and Challenges in Treatment Western medicine has …

Cancer Fatigue and Acupuncture Points

I was sitting at the desk in my office when a woman in her seventies suddenly appeared in the doorway and asked me, “Excuse me, do you treat cancer patients?†As I was looking for the right words to form my answer, the woman made that task easier for me. “You see, my husband has lung cancer, and he is undergoing chemotherapy. His doctor is happy with the results because my husband’s metastases have stopped spreading. Before starting the treatment, however, he was active and energetic, but now he spends most of the day in bed. Can acupuncture help?â€

Trauma: The Hidden Pathogenic Factor

Have you ever experienced a burn that instantly felt better once you put ice on it? After a few minutes of relief, it is natural to assume that removing the ice would not cause an increase of pain, so you remove the ice. Surprise, the burn becomes more intense and the pain sinks deeper into your body. You reapply the ice. This goes on for a while. Ice goes on, ice comes off to surprise you with burning pain. On again, off again. Finally you can remove the ice and the pain will have sufficiently subsided. Trauma works the same way in that it continues to trickle into your body unless you stop it. If left unchecked, this silent, toxic force seeps deeper continually over the course of years.

New Chinese Medicine Tools to Replenish and Repair Our Gut

Our health landscape is changing rapidly and we find ourselves in a new era. An era of degrading food supply, systemic inflammation, and overuse of drugs, including antibiotics. Living in our modern world takes its toll and we see it in our practices everyday. Antibiotics are failing, superbugs are on the rise, and digestive health is compromised by food and lifestyle choices. Society is at a new crossroads. On one side, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are currently killing approximately 23,000 people every year and the number of antibiotic resistant superbugs is climbing. On the contrary, long-standing and pervasive over-prescribing of antibiotics is at an all time high.

East Asian Medicine for Colds and the Flu

Colds and the flu virus plague most people at least once a year. Hardly anyone manages to escape the typical runny nose, itchy eyes, and high fevers associated with a cold or the flu virus. However, traditional Chinese medicine has been very successful in treating patients who suffer routinely from colds and the flu virus. Individuals who are especially prone to contracting them should further investigate this viable alternative to standard treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine uses natural herbs such as Angelica root and field, to rid your body of viruses.

Oriental Medicine & Prevention: Avoid Winter Sore Throats the Chinese Way

February is one of the most common times of year for people to get sick. Kids go back to school and parents get back in the swing of a busy work schedule after the holidays. Our minds and bodies are synched and often when our minds are overwhelmed, it’s our bodies that take the beating. Sore throats, stuffy noses, body aches, and even the flu are all common symptoms of a mid-winter slump. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a ready remedy—give your body the right fuel and it will run smoothly.

Ionic Foot Bath: Effect & Benefits on Your Overall Wellbeing

The use of an ionic foot bath is becoming increasingly popular, with people touting its benefits for overall well-being. But what is an ionic foot bath, and what are the real benefits? The Ionic Foot Bath detoxifies your body and helps improve your overall health. It can help with conditions such as asthma, allergies, and …