Space Clearing for the New Year

By Amanda Collins - April 29, 2015
Space Clearing for the New Year

By Amanda Collins

The New Year is one of many powerful times to create fresh new energy in your home, to welcome positive energy and let go of the old. Space Clearing is the art of cleansing and consecrating spaces. It is a profound and effective technique for clearing and revitalizing the energy in buildings.

Other potent times to clear your space:


  • Changing of the seasons
  • On the new or full moons
  • Starting or ending relationships
  • After a remodel


  • After illness
  • After having unwelcome visitors
  • After stress-inducing changes such as bereavements or job changes

Everything in the Universe is comprised of energy. The energy in the places you live, work, shop, and socialize can have far-reaching effects on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. If an argument, divorce, or robbery occurs in a home, and that energy does not get cleared, it can accumulate. The next inhabitants may experience this energy, begin to argue, and not know why. Negativity in the home or office can get trapped and you can see the results build. An accumulation of clutter, frequent arguments, or broken objects may signal its presence.

Clearing a house energetically can help you fall in love with it once again. It can help you get back on track emotionally and regain your interest in life and the future. It can help clear the way for prosperity and productivity in your business.

How to Space Clear

  • Protect your own energy before clearing your home. Visualize surrounding yourself in white light that grows and expands further outside your body, sealing you in a protective cloud. Be sure that children and pets are not present.
  • Start inside the house with your back to the front door. Face into the home, which should be as clear, clean and tidy as possible before you start.
  • Open all doors and windows to allow fresh air to circulate and provide an outlet for the stale energy to leave.
  • Light a candle and state your intention: What would you like to achieve during this space clearing? Perhaps “May my space be filled with love energy for the highest good of all.”
  • Meditate and ground yourself. Call upon your guides, angels, ascended masters, ancestors—whomever you feel will assist.
  • Space clear with the powerful purifier of love in your heart, and use sounds such as a bell, chimes, or a singing bowl, or burn sage, sweetgrass, or cedar. If you are burning herbs you will need a container, such as an abalone shell or clay bowl, to hold your smudging material. Add some sand to the bottom of this shell or bowl. The sage stick does not need to flame! The smoke should rise straight up to the divine. If you prefer not to use smoke, a spritz such as sage or rose spray is a viable alternative.
  • Start at the front door and move clockwise, walking through each room, staying present with your intention. You can choose several modalities of clearing such as playing a singing bowl and burning sage. Or you might walk around clapping your hands, singing or chanting in the space. Go into each corner and follow your intuition about moving into closets and under tables—wherever you feel the need for cleansing.
  • At the end of the clearing, seal in your positive intention, thank your spirit guides, and ask that the smoke and sound vibrations carry all negative energies away. Visualize the house surrounded in a bowl of white light and place a water fountain at the front door or front gate, so whoever comes into the home releases and leaves their “stuff†at the door. As they leave, they can choose to take that energy with them or not. Keep doors and windows open for as long as possible, and give thanks for your life and home.

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Amanda Collins

Amanda Collins is a Feng Shui expert for the International School of Feng Shui, a Yoga teacher, a singer-songwriter, and a spiritual guide who leads people on journeys around the world, their own homes and most essentially, their internal landscape. She also teaches the Pacific Center for Lifelong Learning’s online Feng Shui Master program.

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