Feng Shui for the Heart of Winter

By Amanda Collins - January 15, 2016
Feng Shui for the Heart of Winter

By Amanda Collins

Winter Celebrations to you!

We are currently in the cold weather, the short days, long nights, with the presence of anticipation of snow or frost. The universe’s energy has shifted. This is the yin time of year–a time for stillness and patience and just being, for remembering that we are human beings, not human doers.

Understanding Winter’s Connection to Feng Shui Elements

There are five elements to feng shui: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Winter is associated with the element of water. Feng shui literally translates to ‘wind and water’; water is a very important element in the field of Feng Shui. Water represents intuition: the inner knowing that lets the water element guide you into a space of trust. Take advantage of the time of winter to refill yourself, dream, and plan for changes to make in the approaching spring and its new beginnings.

Winter is a time when the earth rests and prepares to sustain life for another year. It offers us a special time for introspection. In creating a nurturing, harmonious home during this time, the home itself will support you in staying grounded and joyful throughout the season.

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Enhancing the Northern Areas of Your Home During Winter

In feng shui, each of the seasons is linked to a specific area of your home. Winter supports the areas of your home that face north. This is known to be associated with careers and life’s journey, so it’s important that the home represents support in this area of your life.

The best way to evaluate your home is to stand in the north area, close your eyes, and feel the energy: does your energy rise or fall? What is this area of your home saying to you? Do you feel light or heavy? Is there clutter? Do you have items you love? Are there sharp or broken objects? The northern area of your home is associated with the water element and the kidney, bladder, ears, and reproductive systems, so from a health standpoint it’s vital that the energy flows freely.

Using Crystals and Water Elements for Feng Shui in Winter

The best crystals to bring to the northern areas of your home to support health and career are the ones related to water: black obsidian, black tourmaline and turquoise. Adding moving water–a fountain or fish bowl–to a northern room can help to stimulate the energy in your career. Add artwork with the water element, like the ocean, waterfalls, or a lake. Spend time each day sitting by the fountain while you focus on your career or business goals.

It’s also important to make sure your bathrooms and plumbing are in good working order as they are filled with the water elements. Due to the bathroom’s inherent association with the water element, bring in earth for balance: a bowl of river rocks, or towels and a floor mat in shades of brown.

Some suggestions for your home

Keep your home warm and bright. Put your lights on timers so that when you come home in the evening, you arrive into a gently lit home. Make sure all the bulbs are in good working order. Use full spectrum lighting; this is the closest lighting to natural light and will be kinder on your eyes. Your plants love full spectrum light, so place some greenery nearby. Create a small winter garden that will cheer you up and help provide oxygen for your rooms; during the winter months, we tend to spend more time inside, so always ensure that you have plenty of indoor plants to improve the air, generate oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide.

Make sure all the windows are functional. If you live in an older home and windows do not close well, get heavy curtains to keep the heat inside and keep the cold outside.

Honor your five senses and have candles lit around your home, with sweet smells for the holidays like mulling spices and cinnamon. Create a special area in your home that captures the most sun, cozy with warm yang colors such as burnt orange, yellows, and reds with a warm throw and pillows, where you can curl up with a good book. Always have some good books.

Honor the sense of touch: think about your feet. Have warm rugs on the floor, not cold tiles. When bringing new items into your home, use natural organic fibers for the rugs.

Plan to celebrate the long winter nights with friends. Make it a point to invite friends over for dinner and share stories around the fire. Honor the sense of taste by cooking natural organic wholesome foods that are in season such as pumpkins and squash.

In the garden, keep the bird feeders full; bringing wildlife into your garden brings joy and color into your garden and life. It’s important to have some time outdoors and connect with Mother Nature each day. Take a stroll, do a little gardening, hug a tree–allow your child-like wonder to explore.

Check out the Pacific Center for Lifelong Learning’s selection of online Feng Shui Master and other Personal Growth Programs!

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Amanda Collins

Amanda Collins is a Feng Shui expert for the International School of Feng Shui, a Yoga teacher, a singer-songwriter, and a spiritual guide who leads people on journeys around the world, their own homes and most essentially, their internal landscape. She also teaches the Pacific Center for Lifelong Learning’s online Feng Shui Master program.

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