Dermatology and TCM Case Study with Mazin Al-Khafaji

Join master herbalist Mazin Al-Khafaji, one of the leading clinicians and teachers in the field of dermatology and Tradtional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as he reviews internal and external applications of Chinese herbs for psoriasis. During this presentation, multiple treatment phases and reassessments are reviewed, as well as questions about Western medicine interactions and other considerations.


Over the past three decades, Mazin Al-Khafaji has taught his successful and innovative approach to clinical practice to thousands of students worldwide. His teaching is firmly based on his own clinical practice and experiences of over 40 years in the field, and translates straight into his student’s work. He has treated unusual and difficult diseases with great success for the last 36 years, and has a particular interest in skin, auto-immune & allergic and inflammatory disease. Visit his website to learn more at .

For more information about Dermatology and TCM, you may check out the advanced herbology certificates for acupuncture graduates in New York, and Chicago.


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