What’s Lurking Below the Surface: Cosmetic Facial Aging with Dr. Shellie Goldstein

By Pacific College - March 24, 2022

Shellie Goldstein, facial acupuncture expert, joined the American Acupuncture Council for another exciting episode of her series “To the Point”. This series was designed to help acupuncturists build their practice and reputation in their field.

Shellie Goldstein is the chair of Pacific College’s brand-new FACE program (Facial Applications for Cosmetic Enhancement) and widely considered one of the world’s leading experts on cosmetic facial acupuncture. In collaboration with Goldstein’s Academy of Advanced Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture, Pacific College launched this new program to meet the rising trend in acupuncturists specializing in facial care.

What you’ll learn:

  • The visible signs of facial aging are a combination of our physical, emotional, and spiritual being.
  • One’s attitude and beliefs about aging and the aging process plays a significant role in the visible signs of aging.
  • To minimize the visible signs of aging we need to treat the physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns related to our patient’s attitude about aging and their aging process.

More information about Pacific College’s Cosmetic Acupuncture program

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